Post last updated May 3, 2021If you're in a paycheck to paycheck rut, finding new ways to preserve some cash is essential to start making progress on beating debt or amassing ... Read the Post...
What drives my money moves? Example of creating a vision for your life to motivate your money management
If you expect to manage money well, it is very important to have goals. Several times I have experienced that a particular goal I had set put me on a path that ultimately led ... Read the Post...
Ways to save money on a tight budget: how to save big automatically
Last updated October 26, 2021Looking for ways to save money fast and easy? Here's the money saving tip you have to implement ASAP... do it in an afternoon and save money ... Read the Post...
The simple (& free) money management spreadsheet you need now
Here I will introduce you to my proactive money management spreadsheet system to managing your checking account(s) and handling the monthly bills. There are lots of ... Read the Post...