Last updated October 4, 2021The kids are getting bigger, the stuff is multiplying... should I buy a bigger house? When my husband and I were first time home buyers, we drove ... Read the Post...
Having a vision for your life: where is your money taking you?
My philosophy about money is that it is nothing more than a tool, a very useful tool. As a tool, it needs a purpose. So often we are just programmed to think, I need more ... Read the Post...
How to afford a baby: savvy tips for gearing up
This post contains affiliate links, which means I get a small percentage of any purchases you make using these links. I only link to items I highly recommend for a money-smart ... Read the Post...
Frugal mindset vs. following a budget: which one is better?
I do not use or typically recommend detailed budgets, only a discretionary spending 'cap' to stay under each month. But that feels a little unconventional in the money ... Read the Post...