We all talk a lot about how to cut this cost or that... all in an effort to save money. But cutting spending only gets us halfway there. There's a difference between paying ... Read the Post...
Managing time freedom after my resignation: how to optimize going off the clock
I am presently 7 days away from retiring from a full time career as a scientific researcher. A commute (pre/post pandemic anyway), business hours, institutional red tape, ... Read the Post...
Your Secret to Financial Success: Know Thyself with “The Four Tendencies”
Why can some people just stick to a to-do list? Or a budget? Why do others thrive on being accountable to someone else? I believe the answers to these questions are a key ... Read the Post...
What is the purpose of a budget? 7 ways a budget can serve you
We throw around the term budget a lot. How to budget, better budgeting, easier budgeting, fitting in your budget...But what is a budget and what is its core purpose? You can't ... Read the Post...